
We are bringing you a special episode with some of the very best career insights from The Female Career podcast. Set yourself up for your next career steps by reflecting on thought-provoking career advice from five inspiring wāhine of Aotearoa:

Qiane Matata-Sipu (Te Waiohua, Waikato-Tainui, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Pikiao, Cook Islands) is a journalist, photographer, social activist, and the founder and creator of NUKU. Qiane talks about the innate magic of wāhine and the importance of finding the courage to listen to and trust our gut.

Katherine Skipper is an architect and Principal with the architectural firm Warren and Mahoney. Katherine talks about seeking growth outside of our comfort zone, using our networks and being bold. 

Dr Hinemoa Elder (Ngāti Kuri, Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi) is the only Māori child and adolescent psychiatrist in Aotearoa. Hinemoa encourages us to reach out to the wāhine who inspire us and to learn to love ourselves by exploring our whakapapa.

Vanisa Dhiru is a human rights advocate who holds commissioner roles with the NZ National Commission of UNESCO and the Library and Information Advisory Commission. Vanisa talks about the importance of playing to our strengths and being open-minded about networking opportunities.

Leonie Freeman is the Chief Executive of Property Council New Zealand and has had an extensive and accomplished career in the property industry. Leonie talks about how to lean into our purpose and reframe challenges as opportunities.