
"'I definitely felt more rushed early in my career to advance. Now as I look back on it, I think I would give myself advice not to be in such a hurry. Take the time and get the most out of each role or opportunity that you have before you feel you need to advance."

Gaye is Te Tumu Whakarae mō Toitū Te Whenua, Secretary of Land Information and CE of Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). LINZ’s purpose is understanding, developing and caring for whenua, moana and arawai.  LINZ is the Government’s lead agency for property and location information, Crown property and managing overseas investment.

Gaye has held a range of senior leadership positions in New Zealand’s public service – as a Deputy Commissioner at Inland Revenue, and Executive team roles in ACC, the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment and the Ministry of Economic Development.  Gaye started her career as a lawyer, working as a Crown Prosecutor in Palmerston North, and was a Senior Counsel in the Commerce Commission.