
We thoroughly enjoyed chatting with Kendall Flutey and hearing the story of her career journey to date.

Kendall is the Co-Founder and CEO of Banqer, the financial education platform used by more than 150,000 New Zealand & Australian primary school students. She has a background in Accounting, Economics and Web Development, all of which she uses now as an entrepreneur. Kendall enjoys the new challenge that comes with growing a mission driven impact business, where she can seek to make a difference in our communities. She has been widely recognised for her efforts, winning the 2018 Young Māori Business Leader and 2019 Young New Zealander of the Year.

"I think, truth be told, one of the reasons I didn't pursue tech straight out of school was not only, I didn't have those role models in my life, but also I probably thought I didn't have the capability because I didn't really understand how it was created. And I really do see tech not as science, but as a craft. It's not something that has to be done in one single way when you're writing code, you can bring it to life in a myriad of different ways. I think that's what people maybe have the misconception around. It's more like painting a picture. So long as it looks like a flower at the end, it's the same end result."

You can listen to Kendall openly sharing the highlights and challenges of her career in The Female Career podcast here on our website, or you can listen and subscribe using these links on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or iHeartRadio

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